Screenshots of the Tao Video from the Tech Head Stories website
For you Amiga users who weren't able to check out the Java streaming video
Roger B. Wyatt put up at the Tech Head Stories site, yours truly (James Russell
here at and AmigaNation News) has compiled these shots so you can
get a first, agonizing glimpse of the futuristic interface that will be Amiga.
The shots look awful, but they're the same quality as the video but double the
size. One day soon we can look forward to seeing the real thing! Maybe at the
March 1 St. Louis meeting? We can but hope.
I had a look at the video. Nice stuff like transparent / color filtering windows,
and some reassuring talk with one of the Tao Group. They seem to be very serious
about Amino / Amiga, although I think a number of 100,000 to 200,000 (active)
Amiga developers is somewhat overestimated... (mb)
Amity: Robotics for Amiga
Robotics Developer Pack (RDP) enables controling roboters with the Amiga. The core
of Robotics is the minissc.library. Read further
Download: RoboticsDP.lha - 771 Kb
WarpOS debugger: wosdb v0.4
wosdb supports all basic functions of a low-level debugger, e.g. single step trace mode,
breakpoints, disassembler, memory dump etc. Symbol Hunks (HUNK_SYMBOL) in WarpOS
programs are also used.
Download: wosdb.lzx
Amiga Times now available from own domain
The online magazine Amiga Times is now available on Internet at the address
"" (title link) - please adjust your bookmarks! Since I am currently
fighting the common flu (and losing, it seems :), the latest issue of the Amiga Times
will not appear on March 1st as scheduled, but will be delayed some days. I ask for
your excuse.
The Plague online - update
We have updated the "old-stuff" section of our pages. Many older programs are now available,
partially including source code. Some of these programs have never been released, and are in a
very early state of completion. Perhaps there are people out there willing to continue the work.
Hacker attack on Cyberdyne Systems
On February 13th, 2000, hackers have manipulated the Cyberdyne Systems homepage. Several files have
been deleted, the start page and the logo of Cyberdyne Systems have been replaced by modified
versions. On calling "" or
"", a logo with a crossbar and the following text was
displayed: "Cyberdyne Systems has cancelled all activities. We thank all users for their support."
This is of course not true. Cyberdyne Systems has NOT canceled its activities. The projects
"HSMathLibs" and "stormamiga.lib" will be continued (details about them soon). By manipulating
the homepage, an automatic security system has been trigered which deleted all important files
(e.g. registrations) and closed all subdirectories before the hacker gained access to them. Due to
this, all affected files showed "ERROR 500 - Internal Server Error". This error message was also
shown for all domains handled by Cyberdyne Systems. In the AMIGA area, this affected the
AmigaClub Leipzig e.V. We are sorry for this problem, which was not caused by ourself. In the
future, we will check the system more frequently to avoid trouble like this.
Except for the Cyberdyne Systems homepage, everything is up and running again. We are
working on solving this problem ASAP, and process all recieved registrations. We ask for
your patience.
Video conference with Bill McEwen cancelled
The Live Interactive Video Conference with Bill McEwen attending, announced for March 1st by GAC (Gateway Amiga Club, Inc.)
has been cancelled.
Olliweb's first birthday
Olliweb has been around for a year now. Over 18000 hits confirm the need for information and
suitable software for Linux on Amigas. Congratulations :-) (ps)
All Fusion users (and those anxiously awaiting the pending PPC release) will
be pleased to here that we have a new upgrade to the 68K version. This release
confirms the continued commitment to the 68K Macintosh emulation, but also
provides a number of improvements and enhancements.
Fusion 68K V3.4 is the final upgrade before the release of the PowerPC
upgrade, which is nearing completion.
New search engine for Amiga-Events
Finally there's a search engine only for topics around the Amiga again!
We would like all webmasters to register their sites, because the
best search engine does not help much if it has no entries.
New Hagenuk Databox Speed Viper Firmware
If anybody besides me uses the Databox Speed Viper, on Hagenuk's
homepage I've just found the Firmware 1.29. The included doc file
is from January 21st, 2000.
AmigActive Issue 6 published
The March issue of the print magazine AmigActive contains extensive
reports about an interview with Chris Hinsley and Francis Charig of
Tao Group.
Download problems solved
The download problems on the MIDIAudio website of CamX/Camouflage have been removed. Also it is
asked to mail wishes for sequencers to
Press release of AAA - Award election begins
Read the press release of the AAA-Award at the title link.
The election of the Awards 1999 are started. Besides all the other awards there will be a Product-Award, too.
Upd8 version 1.3 released
Upd8 is a little tool that controls websites you have defined and looks for changes.
New in version 1.3 is you can sort the defined homepages per "up" and "down button.
Download: Upd8.lha
wARPgATe online again!
As promised (sooner as planned), wARPgATe has been reopened. At the address, you can
again read the latest news and informations about WarpOP and Warp3D. The design has been completely
reworked, and looks really great. Some new features will follow in the next days. I hope for large support
from all developers, and of course many visitors! A forum specifically for this subject has also been
implemented. Just have a look. Have a lot of fun!
VersCheck Program and Genie update
Basically, VersCheckV2 is a finished project. Sadly a large bug has been found, hence the new version.
VersCheckV2 (2.20.1) is available from my homesite. This version also has updated MUIGuide and
HandlerGuide. Version v3, the next VersCheck release, is already in an advanced state, with a beta
version to be available in a couple of weeks.
Virus Help Denmark News: New VirusExecutor
Name: VirusExecutor v2.01 Archive name: VirusExecutor.lha Archive size: 154.446 Bytes
Release date: 22. February 2000 Author: Jan Erik Olausen System: OS 2.0x or higher
Download: VirusExecutor.lha - 155 Kb
Quake 1.09 by Frank Wille released
The Beta-Release of Quake 1.09 supports AGA, CGX, chunkyppc.library
(Screen, Public Screen, WB Window, Double-Triple buffering, P96 PiP), Amiga
Keyboard, -mouse, - joystick, TCP/IP, Sound (audio.device) and CD-Audio
playback. It is available from Frank Wille`s webpage (title link). For a
detailed how-to please read the manual.
These is also the new version 0.7d of the ppclibemu
available. It emulates the ppc.library and PowerUP kernel under WarpOS. An own ELF-LoadSeg
patch is included, and allows many (some?) PowerUP programs to run just like on the original
environment. The programs that run don�t show a significant performance penalty. Some of the
programs even run faster under ppclibemu than under Phase5`s original kernel.
AmZeiger Issue #10 online
Sorry to say that with this edition we had many problems to overcome. Due to
acute timimg problems we missed an edition and then our HTML editor jumped
ship, so that we had to do the HTML coding ourselves.
Therefore for a while only the Amigaguide edition was available. Now
edition 10 is also available online.
One other negative note... Edition 11 will be our last. For an explanation
why, please read our editorial.
AMIGA aktuell Internation appears again
After a few months break, the AMIGA aktuell International - the English
version of the News- an Infotainment Magazine AMIGA aktuell - is available.
Issue 02/2000 can be found at our website or shortly in Aminet. We have made changes
to ensure that in the future the AMIGA aktuell International will appear shortly after
the German version.
New Pictures from Grafics Contest.
The gallery of the Amiga graphics information site "Amiga showcase" has many new pictures
from contestants in the "#Ami3D competition".
New update for Tales of Tamar
There were a few bugs in the Tales of Tamar 0.26 release that this update
fixes. The archive is about 300Kb in size and can be found in the download
area of the Tales of Tamar website or downloaded with the T.o.T. client
of the demo version.
KOSH Listserv reactivated
The KOSH listserv has been reactivated. Anyone that wants to join the list
needs to send a email to
with "subscribe KOSH" in the message (not the subject). More details at the title link.
Repulse Soundcard News
Since the mixer isn`t working according to our expectaions, we are asking
the users how we should proceed. For that we have started a
specifically for that purpose. More infos under the Titlelink.
The Pulse edition 11
The latest edition of the Pulse from Alive Mediasoft contains reviews about
Seaside, MegaballDeluxe, The CDS Collection, Mutantology and Malice for
Quake (new PPC and 3D grafic card versions) Previews of Frontier First
Encounters Elite 3 and Phantasmagoria and an interview with Roberta
Williams. Also included are hints, tips and cheats.
Depite this - or in spite of, he has begun a new project,
Rediscovery. At Amiga Rediscovery you will find old Amiga games, demoes and
coverdisks for free download - starting with the clasic demo "Fury of the
Furries". There are also other demos such as the Christmas Lemmings demo.
For Amiga nostalgia freaks a real treasure trove.
Amiga Oasis Online has moved
The website of Amiga Oasis Online has moved and can now be reached under (titellink). The layout of the site has been reworked and improved.
The news-area with news from games like Nightlong, Simon2, Foundation DC, Pokemon and Sin has been updated.
The cheats area has also been largely improved.
AmigaTools.Net News
Michaela Prüß writes:
My homepage is available again and has also been updated. News: The stringlib.lib has been improved and is
available from the download area. Some icons for
OS3.5 that had been developped because they where needed for personal use, are available as a small archive. und H&P are working together on the web and H&P announce their cooperation today, so they can make's Mitchy Resource
Retriever the best directory and search engine. Mitchy is a powerful Yahoo-like link directory with
searchfunctions, number of hits per entry, rating system, Top 10-lists and much more.
AROS for PPC Amiga
On february 18th the new support page for AROS on Amiga PPC went online. If anyone is interested to support
AROS for PPC Amiga or to work on software can register by using this page.
DCE Website reworked
The Website of DCE has been completely reworked as announced, and describtions of the products taken over
from Phase5 added. DCE have decided not to used large graphics and frames in order to imrove loading speed.
DCE will add still more items on the website and provide a page dedicated to news and repairing. A german
page is also planned.
Warp9 News
In a press release you can read some sad facts
about the warpTrans project. There is a complete explanation why the warpTrans-Project (Translation Software)
can't be developped any further.
GeoWorld-Update to V1.11 released
Today the 11th update for GeoWorld - DEM geography software has been released. Main subject
where the international organisations. Complete infos are available on our homepage. A new demoversion is
also available.
Format & Eye dee three source codes released!
We have decided to release the complete source codes of our (MUI-)Format and of eye dee three (MP3
Manager) since we won't develop those softwares any further. The source codes are free for download on our
Register Daywatch online now
Daywatch from Allan Odgaard is a program that unites a calendar and a reminder in one.
Since 17.02.200 an online-registration through RegNet is possible.
Image Engineer News
Again already registered users of plugins for Image Engineer benefit from free updates.
This time there's new effects in Visual Alpha. Think about it. You can jump on board
anytime you want to, but probably timing matters. Special offer days once in a month
are good days for registering. Shortly, register once and get free updates for lifetime.
This new Website shows news around the PPC, soft- and hardware guidance,
issue oriented linklist and wants to support PPC-users in every way.
ParaGlide status report
According to Village Tronic, two external layouters are now working on ParaGlide PCB and
they hope the new layout would be finished in the midst of March. The manufacturing of
the prototype will then take three more weeks. If everything is okay and with a little
bit of luck this prototype will be completely operational and in the best case they can
begin with the first deliveries at the end of April 2000; in case of errors being found,
this will be delayed for three to four weeks.
News from FusionPPC
As to hear from Microcode Solutions, some problems occur in WarpOS. But they are
working hard to overcome them so this should be the last hurdle before release. There is
still hope for FusionPPC!
Articles of Dhomas Trenn online
Dhomas Trenn wrote many good articles for magazines like NewTekniques, CU Amiga
and Amiga Informer. To avoid these informative articles vanishing, youngmonkey
studios placed them online (see title link).
Ragonsoft Directory Lister (RDL) for Amiga?
There is right now only a Windows version of the software available, but if RDL becomes a success, RDL
will also be made available for Amiga. The same is generally true for all our projects, e.g. BusinessHome.
However BusinessHome is currently troubled by a hard drive problem and probably has to be rewritten.
Back to RDL... :-), I will try to explain what RDL is capable of. RDL creates a list from a directory including all
subdirectories. This list is written to a text file (DIR-LIST.TXT).
Since RDL does not overwrite DIR-LIST.TXT files, but expands them, the list can be continuously extended.
So you can create an overview over 5 PCs or 100 CDs in one RDL file, e.g. for sending it to somebody.
Thanks to a filter you can create a list of .wav files or .mp3 files only. RDL was intended for personal use only,
now everyone can get it. If you are interested in a port, contact Imperator.
JavaRunner is a small program wich makes execution of Java�-applications
much easier. It tries to suppress configuration errors and corrects existing
errors in all environment variables the Java Virtual Machine� uses.
JavaRunner is available in versions for PPC-Linux and Windows� for some time
and now also for PC 86x86-Linux.
Under the link above we opened a special forum / webboard for
developers wich work with Linux. Here you can post all questions related to
software-development under Linux.
Squirrel rights sold
HiSOFT has sold the rights for the Squirrel product line to Analogic Computers. The
name rights remain with HiSOFT. This means that marketing, sales and support are now
handled by Analogic Computers. HiSOFT will continue to offer the FTP server for
Squirrel files, but will no longer offer support. Contact:
Analogic Computers (U.K.) Ltd Units 6 & 8, Ashway Centre, Elm Crescent,
Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey KT2 6HH. U.K. Telephone: +44(0)181 546 9575
Fax: +44(0)181 541 4671 Email:
AmChat turns freeware
Jerome Fisher, author of AmChat, will have more time to code in the future since he
returns to Australia. He is planning for a freeware release of AmChat next month.
2IDs (Graphix Design Musix) website layout reworked
Starting immediately, we are able to welcome all users to the NEW design and much improved
usability of our pages. We also added new features and removed some dead links and bugs
from our HTML-code.
The SymphoniePRO pages have also been updated and now offer more
comfort. The first preset pack for our SoundFX preset support pages is now available for
Plague website updated
There have been some problems with our website due to the server compatibility with our pages.
Now, finally, "ed3-beta" and the catalogs for WBInfo V3 can be downloaded.
PPC Software List
The PPC Software List at PPC-World by H&P is now (thanks to Carsten Schröder,
Amiga Plus / amigaOS) back up-to-date and online starting immediately.
Warp3D 3.0 available
The changes are mostly internal, new functions in the API, and support for
a new feature of the Permedia 2 (Chroma keying). For the user, the archive
offers the possibility to use MiniGL compiled programs, like the upcoming
GLQuake. There's also a small MiniGL-compiled demo in the archive, to give
you an idea of what's to come :)
Please note that this is only the user archive, I'm currently putting
finishing touches to the developer stuff, and hopefully this will be
available this weekend (But don't kick me if it isn't :)
If you find any bugs, please let me know. It's been tested mainly with the
CGX 4 driver, and it will probably not work with Picasso96 V2 (there where
some changes in P96 V2 that prevent Warp3D from working), but it should
work with the 1.4x release.
Download: Warp3D-3.0.lha
AmigaAMP 2.8 BETA-3 released
This version of the Real MPEG audio player has several bugs fixed and a
changed configuration file. The preferences are now saved as plain text and
not any longer in binary form, thus older versions of AmigaAMP can't read
the new config file anymore.
Download: AmigaAMP28b3.lha - 448 Kb
Heise: Microsoft in court: Will the Windows sourcecode be made public?
«Bill Gates apparently agrees to make the Windows sourcecode public
if this can make an agreement in the anti-trust-proceedings against Microsoft
possible. At least the American business TV Bloomberg-TV made this claim
after an interview with the ex-Microsoft boss and current Chief Software
Architect of the software company from Redmond. The denial by Microsoft
came immediately: Microsoft spokesman Jim Cullinan rejected the
information as "not true". Gates only said that the company would do its
best to achieve an agreement with the US government.
Bloomberg, though, sticks to its report despite the denial. Bill Gates would
indeed have stated Microsoft would not make the Windows sourcecode public to compete
with other open-source-systems. According to Bloomberg, he emphasized that
the "closed" sourcecode would make Windows more reliable. But he would have
stated in reply to the question what would make a "reasonable" solution for
reaching a settlement out of court: "If we can have an agreement, we will
do our best to achieve it". After the end of the TV recording of the
interview, Gates would have replied to the direct question whether this
would include the disclosure of the Windows sourcecodes explicitely with
"yes". "If that is all that's necessary", Gates added according to Bloomberg
with a smile.»
Full article (in German) see titlelink.
Tao Group Relationships
In the section "About/Customers" (Titlelink), Amiga International is mentioned
explicitely as partner for IntentTM.
IntentTM is the multimedia layer for �Elate�,
Tao�s real-time operating system.
StrICQ becomes Open Source
Douglas F. McLaughlin has decided to release the sourcecode of the current
StrICQ version under the GNU conditions. Douglas won't stop the development
of StrICQ, but will make a new version. Currently, he's planning for version 2.0
which will be called StrICQ+ and which will contain many new features.
Those interested in adding their own improvements or extensions to the
current sourcecode may do this as long as they accept the GNU Public License
conditions. Also, they should put their extensions at the author's disposal.
Douglas will program version 2.0 in C++ and not any longer in C. He cannot
start with it, though, before he finished moving into his new house. Douglas
further declares that at the beginning he intended only to write a small
ICQ client and that he has learned so much in the last two years that he's
now confidential to make with version 2.0, which will be rewritten from the
scrap up, a really good ICQ client.
Download sourcecode: STRICQ_1727_SRC_GPL.lha
Aminet CD 35 available
The Aminet CD 35 - February 2000 - contains almost a gigabyte (unpacked)
of software in thousands of archives. Since the Aminet 34 CD, more than
500 MB of new software has been added. As a special highlight, the Aminet 35
CD contains a special version of Digital Almanac II.
First public update of the Tales of Tamar Demo
With v0.26, the first update for all owners of the AF demo version of Tales of Tamar
is available. The update is about 300 Kb large and, as future versions, can only be
downloaded from within the game, by entering the storeroom and looking for updates
represented by barrels.
A really inventive and funny copy protection for a
change :-) (ps)
- News about the Amiga - loads of tests of current software, like Foundation DC, Seaside etc.
- short stories and reviews of Audio CDs and books - szene demos and picture galery
- AmigaAktuell issue 01/2000
The Amiga 4ever is released monthly (15th) and can be downloaded
from our homepage (title link).
The Aros website has been changed and improved. The beginning of the page
has a News summary concerning new developments and changes. The autodocs
have been completely relocated.
The Aros website has been changed and improved. The beginning of the page
has a News summary concerning new developments and changes. The autodocs
have been completely relocated.
Amiga Virus Gallery
Virus Help Denmark has often been asked by users what a virus "lools" like
or how it can be identified. Since many Viruses actually do print pictures
to the screen, Virus Help Denmark has decided to put up a Gallery of these
pictures. You can find "Gallery" in the left hand menu bar.
PhxAss V4.40 (Beta)
PhxAss V4.xx is a highly optimised Makro Assembler for Motorola CPUs 680x0,
6888x FPUs and 68851 MMU (the 030, 040 and 060 MMU are of course also
supported). Download: PhxAss.gz
New Report: MS - SQL access with PHP and Apache
A new report is available in our Report section that decribes the usage of
Apache and PHP to access MS - SQL Servers. It specifically decribes what
software is needed ans which steps need to be taken. With this solution it
is possible via a Linuxwebserver to use content, functions and databases of a
MS - SQL server. (German only, sorry!)
Heise: Deutsche Telekom Flatrate not yet done deal
Some of the rates that Deutsche Telekom CEO Ron Sommer announced on
Friday are not yet a done deal. A spokesman has characterized
Sommer`s speach as a programatic vision of the Telekom`s future. These
however are subject to appoval by the regulatory agencies. For the entire
artikel see the title link (German only).
REPULSE Web - update
The REPULSE website (sound card for A2/3/4000) has changed. A number of
new pages have been added, among them a News page that reports on the
development status. Also, new features of the card have been added.
Answers to Phase5`s insolvancy
Due to Phase5`s bankruptcy we have been recieving many questions concerning
the future situation, that we in turn brought to the attention of Angelika
Amend - the lawyer handeling the bankruptcy case.
The answers can be viewed via the title link (German only).
It seems that the process is not yet open, but users that have anything at
Phase5 for repairs should contact Mrs. Amend in writing and request that
thier stuff be released.
MAS-Player now available for sale
The MAS-Player ist a hardware that allows any Amiga to play MP3 files in
realtime. It attaches to the parallel port. Even on a 68000 with 7mhz it
can play mp3 files up to 128 kbps. No external power supply is required. It
is available for 180,- DM (92 Euro).
16 Feb 2000
Harald Fuchs in ANF
Amiga in Internet Magazin
In issue 3/2000 of the Internet Magazin the following answer to an readers letter can be found:
"It is correct that we are overall very focused on Windows. But in the past most of the
internet-surfers went online using this operating system. Since the use of MacOS, Linux
and even Amiga and Atari has multiplied this is changing curerntly. Therefore we will pay
more attention to these OSes in the future."
15 Feb 2000
Amiga Link Directory improved
Felix Schwarz respected different wishes from users and has improved the ALD-Script further. There are
four new categories: Retailers, Internettools, Directories and Games. If anybody thinks his entry
should be in a different category now, he can use "Modify Entry" to change this. Please have
the password ready.
Furthermore the entries in the different categories will be sorted alphabetically, which makes it easier to find the websites.
Foundation: Directors Cut Demo available
A demoversion of the long awaited sequel of Foundation, which is called Foundation: The Directors Cut,
is finally available. Minimum requirements are a 030/50 or faster processor with a least 8MB FastRAM,
AGA or a graphics-board as well as 32 MB free space on the harddrive.Download: FoundationDC_Demo.lha FoundationDC_Demo.lzx
15 Feb 2000
Harald Fuchs in ANF
Amiga in Internet Magazin
In issue 3/2000 of the Internet Magazin the following answer to an readers letter can be found:
"It is correct that we are overall very focused on Windows. But in the past most of the
internet-surfers went online using this operating system. Since the use of MacOS, Linux
and even Amiga and Atari has multiplied this is changing curerntly. Therefore we will pay
more attention to these OSes in the future."
OGR launched
Today the "Optimal Golomb Rulers" (OGR) contest has been launched. However there is still no Amiga-Client,
but you can help using other computers. Details concerning Project OGR
Read the interview of the AmigaOS magazine with Thomas Tavoly in english.
Due to maintenance, the statistics on Distributed Net are currently unavailable, but will be again soon. The Amiga
RC5 Effort Website will move to a different server soon. Therefore the website may be unavailable at certain times,
depending on how fast the new IP-Number will reach all of the Domain Name Servers.
After some Amigans had registered with us, I decided to develop the whole affair further! For the moment
not only domain suffixes AMIGATOOLS.NET and AMIGAWEB.NU but also the real cool suffix Workben.Ch is
available for free email-accounts (POP and SMTP) and free subdomain. On unlimited Webspace and
email-adresses, following subdomains will be available from tomorrow on:
If someone has a good idea for using those names in a software, he may immediately use one of
theses names as a subdomain. If someone can convince me that he can manage to write a state-of-the-art
top-quality software and that he works on it with all his heart, I would be enclined to provide a free
Top-Level-Domain for this software. Simply send me those ideas ( or call our
hotline. Ok folks, if there has ever been a chance to start a really big project on the internet, this is it.
GRAB IT! With our 2500 to 3000 pageviews a day there are certainly enough posiibilities for everyone.
Die Teleb�rse: What about..? AMIGA
On page 154 in the magazine "Die Teleb�rse" edited by the Handelsblatt there is a complete article about AMIGA. Here a few exerpts:
"No other computer has been said dead this often and yet been resurrected as the Amiga. This is not only
due to the technology but also to a committed community of fans."
"Would there be an award for the "comeback champion computer business" - Amiga would own a whole shelf
of those by itself. The trademark has survived two insolvencies, it has switched its owner four times
and nevertheless 5 billion computer have been sold until now. Chaos is the second name of this computer
which has only survived because there were always people who believed in Amiga."
Then follows the history of the Amiga until the insolvency of Commodore.
"The fate of Amiga seemed sealed but then a certain Petro Tyschtschenko stepped in. Commodores former
logistics-manager talked the german trading company Escom into taking over the dead trademark. Amiga
switched its owner in 1995 but still had a problem. The stocks had been dissolved by the official
receivers. It was end of may and Escom desperately needed computers for christmas time. Once again it
was Petro Tyschtschenko who saved the day. He found a nearly forgotten hangar in the philippines, where
parts had been hoarded. Tyschtschenko managed to talk the creditors into handing those stocks over to
him. After that, three philipinos sat out in the monsum rain sorting parts for about four months. In
september 1995 one could once again buy Amigas in germany."
Then follows one more odyssey for the Amiga.
"In the late summer of 1999 Collas left. His plans where frozen and Gateway sold the trademark Amiga to
a start-up-company, Amino-Development. Its managers want to continue the work on which Gateway gave up
and develop new hardware. One thing is clear: As long as the Amiga-community and Petro Tyschtschenko
exist, the trademark will survive."
DAUG Homepage is moving
The DAUG homepage is moving and is unavailable until we find an appropriated serviceprovider to provide
the reworked pages. We will probably be completely available again before end of february. To participate
in our public mailinglist concerning the Amiga, send your emails, using "subscribe" as subject and your
adress in the "sender" filed to:
IOM temporarly unavailable
I want to announce that the provider of the IOM Film- and Videoproduction company, the Prokscha & Prokscha
GmbH from Hof has shut down all of its servers due to a running insolvency case. Since we had not been
informed about these proceedings, our new provider could not react fast enough. That's the reason why the and the e-mail adresses of the IOM company are not working currently. In temporary
replacement following e-mail adresses should be used:
I would like to use this occasion to thank the Netminds GbR company from Rehau who proposed us fast and
uncomplicated help (! Netminds are among other plattforms also working with Amigas,
I think this should be mentionned ;-). I hope we can get the domain back online as fast as possible.
CyberdyneSystems stops its activities.
Just now I have found the following text at CyberdyneSystems:
CyberdyneSystems is stopping its activities immediately. We want to thank all the users for their support.
Amiga-Games-Developping - new site
The is meant to help beginners with programming games/graphics! There is support
for all common plattforms including the Amiga! Currently the site is still under construction,
but the webmaster is always happy about Amiga-Users, since he is an old veteran.
Virus Help Denmark
VirusExecutor version 2 has been released. The author Jan Erik Olausen has done major modifications
to the program.
Name: VirusExecutor v2.00 Archive name: VirusExecutor.lha
Archive size: 144,151 bytes Release date: February 13th, 2000 Author: Jan Erik Olausen
System: OS 2.0x or better
Amigatools.Net e-mail address FREE!
If you want your own e-mail address with REAL POP3 and REAL SMTP access (so no junk mail)
ending in @AmigaTools.Net, you can get it from us for free. The application form can be
found at the title link.
The e-mail address is easily remembered, shows that you are Amigian, and is surely useful
for all people coding tools. Moreover, the e-mail space is UNLIMITED!
We also offer free webspace (UNLIMITED) and free DNS (name server). We simply host everything...
FREE! More info available at http://www.Intermail.Nu.
New web address and layout
The web address of my program now (finally) is an own domain. The "old" shortcut Gateway.To/Gateway5
should be functional, but, starting immediately, my pages are available with a completely new layout
at http://www.AmigaTools.Net (title link). Together with the page update, VersCheck, Gateway.Library
and the GatewayTools have also been updated. The new layout is much faster with less graphics and
Ali Baba
Ali Baba is a new Amiga platform game that has been developed by Medici. At the title link, you can
find details about the game, screenshots, information about the team and useful Amiga links. A demo
of the game is available to dowload from the website. The game will be reviewed soon in AmigaFuture,
AmigaOS , AmigaScene and AmigaPower.
Download: ALIARCH.lha
WBInfo V3 Update
We've just released an update v3.01 on our homepage. Contrary
to our expectations, only three people registered WBInfo V3
within this week....
DeepSilence Homepage Online!
At last! The DeepSilence homepage is online! Here you can find
everything about the new Manga Action RPG! The page was tested
with iBrowse, AWeb and Voyager. It could happen, though, that
some problems might occur, especially with iBrowse 2. Should this
happen please send an email to:
Application for Insolvency by Phase 5 (Our news from 09.02.2000)
Regarding the news above we have received countless emails
with many different questions. We have compiled these questions
and forwarded them to the insolvency administrator Angelika Amend
by Fax. We are still awaiting the reply.
As we cannot give informations to these questions we suggest
to write to Miss Amend. The address can be found under the titlelink.
Elbox Press Release 11 February 2000
AllegroCDFS 3.0 ELBOX COMPUTER is proud to offer AllegroCDFS 3.0. AllegroCDFS is the fastest Amiga CD filesystem.
AllegroCDFS is 2 to 4 times faster than any another Amiga CD filesystems.
AllegroCDFS 3.0 advantages:
Access to: ISO 9660 level 1, 2, 3 Joliet (Windows 95/98 long filename - 64 characters) level 1, 2, 3
RockRidge (with Amiga Extensions) CDDA (tracks available as files in raw format) UDF (Video DVD).
Supports Amiga protection bits. Supports Multisession. Supports direct audio grabbing from standard audio CDs.
Supports SCSI and ATAPI devices (CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD).
AllegroCDFS 3.0 suggested retailed price: EUR 40.00
AllegroCDFS is also bundled with the high speed EIDE/ATAPI controllers for Amiga 1200/3000/4000 computers:
ELBOX FastATA, PowerFlyer, Winner High Speed IDE controllers.
AllegroCDFS is now marked with a new LOGO, which we enclose. Darek Smietana, ELBOX COMPUTER
Interview with Thomas Dellert of DCE
As DCE has bought the licences for many products of Phase 5,
we have asked Thomas Dellert a couple of questions. Read the
good news under the titlelink (German only).
EASys! Homepage now also in English
EASys! - the Amiga OS 3.x Addon System that makes working
with the Amiga even more comfortable was presented as
reported on the HEW'99 with huge success.
Due to the positive response I have now also made an
English version of the homepage "by foot". Thus, the the English
page is meanwhile more up-to-date than the German :) ..
I will update the latter in the next time. A current
info-snap for the product in both languages can be
retrieved via link (about 78 kB). Along with the update
there will be a complete featurelist in English by the
middle of next week. In this way, I wish all "Easyans"
further "happy pottering".
Patch & HD Installer Page has moved
"The Ultimate Patch & HD Installer Page" can from now
on be reached under
Please change your bookmarks.
JST version 3.0 beta has been released and contains many
bugfixes. Download: jst.lha
Cable TV Show 2000 in Calcutta, India
From 27 - 29 January, Amiga International, Inc. attended one of the biggest Cable TV Shows in Calcutta,
India. Just like last year, it was another full success. This time, there were four more AMIGA booths
apart from the main one.
Monarch Video and Agani PTY from Mumbai as well as Abishek Enterprise from Calcutta and Rajan Electronics
from Delhi also had booths at this exhibition. There were lots of visitors from neighbouring Bangladesh,
the coming market where the Amiga will gain shares of the cable TV market.
In a TV interview, Petro Tyschtschenko explained why AMIGA is so popular in the Indian market and what
solution it means for the TV market.
Amiga International, Inc. plans to participate in this important event again next year.
Aminet-GUI now in English
The Aminet-GUI is now also available in English. This is possible by using an online translator.
Upon calling the Aminet-GUI, the German or English version can be selected on the intro screen.
More languages are planned for the future. If you know good online translators from German or
English to other languages, please send an e-mail to
AmiNET@LXK.FindHere.COM. I would also welcome
language suggestions.
Haage & Partner news
In the last few days, there have been some new announcements of 3D software titles. More details
in the 3DWorld.
Who wins ArtEffect or AmigaWriter???
At Haage & Partner, the 555,555th visitor of their website is expected soon. To celebrate,
again a software package can be won. Lottery
Tales From Heaven demo available
Epic Marketing writes: On our homepage there is now a demo of Tales From Heaven available.
Please note that the demo does not support graphic cards, while the finished game will do so.
Download: TFH_demo.lha
VirusHelp Denmark - Virus warning
On Wednesday, for a very short time there was an archive named PatchYamPPC12.lha on Aminet.
The program replaces the file "s:cedmacros" with a different file. We don�t know (yet) what
this new file does. If you have installed this program, it should be sufficient to delete
the file s:cedmacros.
New demo and homepage for HomeLand online
A new homepage for HomeLand has gone online, where you can always find the latest version
of HomeLand. HomeLand is a real-time strategy game similar to C&C or Napalm, with many
new features. Units can be configured and commanded according to individual wishes. The game
is distributed by Alive Mediasoft. Download demo version 1.0:
HomeLand.lha - 664 Kb
Part II of the Greenboy interview
Greenboy is member of the Phoenix Consortium, and speaks especially about QNX in part II
of this four-part interview. Part III and IV will be released next week and the week after.
Part I can be found here.
S-File 3 for Nightlong
The first alpha version of Nightlong is finished. The full game is working, but there are
optimizations to be done. For exsample, Nightlong is so big that it is hard to put everything
on the three CDs planned! As soon as all problems are solved, beta tests will start. Oh, yes, and beta testers to-be have to pre-order Nightlong!
10 Feb 2000
Fax from Phase5
Press Release from Phase 5
On January 26th, 2000, Phase 5 filed for protection from its creditors. Talks are held
with third parties interested in taking over (and continue) the AMIGA technology part.
This way, running developments and products, especially the new G4 CPU cards, could be
In case of liquidation, all customers that placed preorders and
prepayments with phase 5 digital products will be contacted and informed of their
Pagan Games News
Pagan Games is working on a Members Area. This closed area is still under development, but
will include many interesting things. There will be several forums, e.g. a discussion forum,
a developer forum, and an opportunity to talk to Pagan developers directly. Demo download
offers, monthly newsletter and vote areas are also planned.
Pagan Games is happy to introduce two new employees. Axiom will work on the graphics of
Dafel: Bloodline, and Psycho (szene coder of Loonies)
will join the Magick development team to create the 3D engine.
AMIGALAND now has a completely redone version of HTMLEXT (Web Maintenence
for GoldED) for free download, complete with intstaller. Prerequisite:
Gui4Cli 3.8 (installed). Download: htmlext210.lha
Digital Alanac II 1.8.6 Bugfix
A Bugfix for the well-known Astronomy Program Digital Almanac II is
available both in Aminet and on the authors homepage. Also included is the
Frech calalog files after having been forgotten in the last version. A few
guru-causing functions have been corrected and improved. See the Aminet
readme file for more info.
EZQuake V.1.04 available
The Quake launcher EZQuake in now in version 1.04 available with the
following new features: Select Quake executable, MemAs Gadget to support
both Clickboom versions. New versions can be found on the Support page
(title link). Download: ezquake.lha
OpusMI - GlowIcons for DOpus 5 Magellan
This Opus icon collection contains 240 OS3.5 icons and 480 images in IFF
format for the toolbar and startmenu in DOpus 5 Magellan version 5.82 (with
OS 3.5 support). The icons are in 40x32 pixel format to ensure ease of use even at
higher resolutions. The archive will be uploaded shortly to Aminet in "biz/dopus".
Amiga Mozilla Page
James Russel from AmigaNation News has placed a new site online named
AmigaMozilla Home. With James at the helm, this
site will surely last longer than the several other websites about AmigaMozilla that have already
vanished again :).
You will surely have noticed that the link to our old hotlist (in the link bar on top)
and the Quick Links from the right-hand menu have vanished. It would have been redundant,
additional work to maintain them in addition to the comprehensive
Amiga Link Directory.
If your website is not yet listed in the ALD, we would be happy if you�d take the two minutes
it takes to register. Changes to the submitted data can be commited with the password given
on first submission. So you can add a banner (100x100) later, if you haven�t one handy right
AROS: Menues are now working
The code for the menues has been inserted. Different than on the original
Amiga, tasks are handled as a task that contains all input-events as long
as the right mouse button is pressed. For this reason the menues will not
block other tasks, and are easily improved upon. If blocking menues are
still a problem then they ccan be controlled by by each program
individually by checking for RMB down/up.
In other words the AROS-Menues work better than the original Amiga OS
GoldED now also retailed by GTI
From now on, apart from Amigaland, GoldED is also distributed by
GTI Grenville Trading International GMBH,
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 9, D-79761 Waldshut-Tiengen, Tel: +49 7741 83040, Fax: +49 69 25577025.
FutureZone: Hints at Software-Piracy are booming
"The 'Business Software Alliance' BSA, a global association against Software-Piracy, has received
8,126 hints at illegal software in western europe for the year 1999, which is 39 percent more than in 1998.
2,577 hints were exclusively for offers on the net. Therefor the BSA has had 1.808 sites closed until now."
At BSA Deutschland you can find many interesting details and statistics
Concerning the subject. Maybe Amiga should also join this association! (ps)
Executive Update (Update)
The Executive Update of February 3rd has been reworked at several points. Basically, the wording has been
redone, and the following paragraph has been added:
"We will soon be starting official meetings in Europe, the UK, and the US for developers and dealers. This will include
introductory training seminars for the new OS, and introductions to the retail pricing and schedules. We will also begin
the process of introducing the new web site, and putting the Amiga Advisory Council to work."
Eternity: 20.000st visitor on the Eternity Homepage
At 3:34 PM on February 5th, 2000, the 20.000st visitor logged onto the Eternity Homepage. Congratulations go
to Mirko Patzenbein from Frankenberg/Sachsen. Mirko is working on a A1200PPC / Bvision connected
to a Ilyama 19�� Monitor. The desired game, Heretic II or Shogo, will be shipped as soon as it will be available.
Peter Verswyvelen makes several games available for free download
Peter Verswyvelen makes several of his old Amiga video games available for free download, for example
Ziriax and Zarathustra. Deliverance should follow. The games are also playable using UAE Amiga Emulator.
Chip: ATI announces All-in-Wonder 128 PRO
"ATI presents the graphics and multimedia expansion card All-in-Wonder 128 Pro. It unites all of the
known features of the well known All-in-Wonder 128 with the highly efficient graphics chip RAGE 128 Pro
and delivers new, convincing multimedia functions to the user. The use of the RAGE 128 Pro chip
enhances the 2D-, 3D- and video-performance by 40 percent compared to the former model and delivers
the best over-all performance for the actually available games and applications. Furthermore the newest
member of the All-in-Wonder family features the fastest DVD-accelerator, the most uptodate
video compression technology as well as Digital VCR and realtime-video-capture."
Heise: Corel takes over Borland
"Corel, newest member in the group of Linux-distributors and Inprise/Borland, manufacturer of
developper environments for Linux, are planning fusion. Finacial basis of the deal:
Corel exchanges Inprise shares for own shares worth 2,5 million US-Dollars. The new company
will be known as Corel; the leadership will be assured by Corel CEO Michael Cowpland."
Complete article (German) under the titellink."
USB for Amiga - Statusreport
The prototyp that has been announced for end of february will probably be ready 4 weeks later. Even if the development
has moved on very fast, some more, thorough test are necessary, to eliminate any remaining problems.
New List-Tree class NListtree.mcc
A new List-Tree class named NListtree.mcc Version 1.0 (18.0) is available from now on as a public beta version at
Apocalypse Hard- und Software. Problems, tips,questions and improvements can be send to
Download: MCC_NListtree.lha - 132 Kb
Probably the best Amiga software for relational databases, at the Amiga Arena as one-time
special offer of roughly 20 Euro, normal retail price: 30 Euro. Please support shareware
programmers! More details about the Amiga Arena in the "Aktion" area.
GeoWorld continues to be a special offer in the Arena until February 29th. GeoWorld is
continuously worked upon, with update 1.11 being available soon.
fxPAINT demo version by Innovative finished
Due to the big demand, we decided to develop a demo version of fxPAINT. You can download the
result now. The demo version offers almost all the functionality of the full version, except
for those functions allowing to save or print a graphics. The PPC support is untouched by
these limitations. Download: fxPAINTDemo.lha
HBMonopoly 2.0
I have just finished version 2.0 of the game HBMonopoly. So now it is possible to play
Monopoly over network with up to eight Amigas. And now there is an official HBMonopoly
homepage (see title link). Download:
WBInfo V3 released
We did it, the demo version of WBInfo V3 is available immeadiately from our homepage. The Aminet
upload will follow in a few days! Download:
RC - RUNCOACH, the runner trainer for Amiga
Finally, there is an Amiga training program for runners available. It calculates detailed
training suggestions to prepare for contests. After entering personal data, like weight,
pulse etc., a training plan with differing demand until contest day is calculated.
The program is a C port of the well-known Runcoach
by Paul Shields. He was so kind to supply me with the Prolog source code. After some effort,
I was able to get Eric Engdahl to make the Amiga port. I would like comments and expansion
requests, so RC will get many users. The program can be found on Aminet.
Download: rc.lha
VillageTronic answers :-)
On February 3rd, the German main page of
reported that, with a change in layout on the VT website, visitors get the impression that the
Amiga area is now only secondary for VT. Yesterday, Village Tronic spoke out about the ParaGlide
project. Since no excellent hard- and software engineer could be found in 1999, and ParaGlide was
not on top of the priority list, VT concentrated on other projects. ParaGlide has not been
cancelled, however, since the developers from the Amiga section would not have it.
Village Tronic is now looking for a ParaGlide fan who is an experienced PCB layouter, using
the Protel Layout System. Candidates please contact
Rainboot version 2.8 released
A new Rainboot version has just been released on the Airsoft Softwair Homepage. Version 2.8
offers some major improvements, like a completely new GUI. Some bugs have been fixed, some
parameters been added.
Download: Rainboot2_8.lha.
3D jump-and-run "Tales From Heaven" already shipping
Epic Marketing released the game "Tales From Heaven" yesterday. Tales is the first
3D jump-and-run for the Amiga. It was inspired by the console classic Mario 64,
and requires a 030 CPU, AGA and 8 MByte RAM. Graphic cards are supported.
Diavolo Update
Finally! Diavolo Backup 2000 and Diavolo Backup 2000 Terra (for DraCo) are shipped, starting
immediately. Of course there are updates for older versions. More info can be requested from For more details see the news entry
from Frebruary 3rd, 2000.
Eternity expecting visitor number 20,000
The Eternity pages enjoy growing popularity, as we could see from our growing visitor numbers.
So there is stuff for free again for visitor number 20,000: If you can prove (screenshot and
time) that you were visitor 20,000 of the Eternity page, you can choose:
a highspeed IDE controller or
a game from our current offers
With the "proofshot" and the above data, you should contact the webmaster
( If there
is more than one, the time of the visit decides. :-) now with Amiga Link Directory (ALD) opened the new Amiga Link Directory (ALD) for the public on 23.1.2000.
The new directory`s aim is to become THE directory for AMIGA-pages.
Innovative, a software-company based in
Herzogenaurach/Germany developed the required technology for this exciting enterprise.
Entries are sorted by categories and letters or can be found easily via the available
search-function. In order to guarantee an always up-to-date database, entries can be
changed by the "owners" of the entry at any time via a previously defined password.
For every entry, if provided by the "owner", further information is available. This
can include, but is not limited to the postal adress as well as the phone-number,
email-adress and homepage.
The ALD will also partially be available via the popular Aminet-CDs (means: only entries
of "owners" who want their entries to be part of a "directory" on the Aminet-CD).
For the first time there will be a bridge between the AMIGA-online and -offline-world -
and it will be called ALD. This way communication within the AMIGA-community will
improve and companies can also reach users, that don`t have an internet-connection yet.
Help us building the greatest online-directory for AMIGA-websites worldwide and
add your website today.
Amiga-PacketRadio - user search
Since there is no list of active Amiga Packetradio users, I created a list on the Alternative
Computerclub homepage, where all PacketRadio users can have themselves listed. I am curious
how many are still left...
Storm MP3 Digital Audio Decoder
Storm MP3/e is a device plugged into the parallel port, capable of MP3 playback even on an
accelerated A500, 286 or Archimedes (?). The device is powered by a 9V battery, powering up
and down together with the host computer. Expansion options include an IR port, memory expansion
(probably for internal MP3 use only) and radio reciever.
Digital Images job vacancy
There is currently a job vacancy for a C++ programmer to work on Space Station 3000.
You will require knowledge with GUI programming and AI.
At present, the position will be payed on royalties, but within the next few months,
we will be looking at providing monthly payments to senior members of the company as
well as having them working full time with us in Los Angeles.
If anybody is interested, please contact Stuart Walker directly via e-mail on
AppleInsider: Outlook for Faster G4 Systems Appear Gloomy
Obviously, difficulties with the G4 CPU layout resulted in a very poor yield in G4 CPUs
with more than 450 MHz (one or two per wafer). The situation will probably not change until
late fall, when new CPU versions (of the G4, not the successor G5!) will be released. Until
then, the G3 is the only PowerPC exceeding 500 MHz clock speed.
BurnIT version 2.65 released
BurnIt supports DAO 2448 Mode, well kown as CD+G copy mode, enabling 100% copies of any CD you like.
But pay attention that only a very limited number of CD-Recorders support this mode e.g. Mitsumi 4802
or Plextor 820 (you need a special CD-Rom drive for reading 2448byte datas, see BurnIT guide for
further details)!
Also new to this version:
New or reworked drivers for Mitsumi4802, Yamaha6416, Yamaha8416, Plextor8220, Ricoh7040 and
many more.
CD-cover printout with CD-Text support (Pagestream3 or greater required).
AmigaOS 3.5 support upto 100 characters per file name possible.
New and advanced read/write settings for individual handling e.g. Gap-Creation, special Error-Recover
routines and many more.
CD-Text support read and write (your CD-recorder must support this feature).
Full access to large internet AudioCD database for archiving and managing your Audio CD`s.
Haage & Partner now with Online Shop
The new Online Shop has finally been finished.
It is based on the script language PHP3 and the database MySQL, running server-based. This way, it can
be used with all Amiga browsers. In the next weeks several expansions will be added to the shop, but
it is already fully functional.
Win ArtEffect or AmigaWriter
Haage & Partner looks forward to website visitor number 555,555 these days. To celebrate this, again
a software package can be won.
WBInfo V3 85% finished
We are 85% finished with the new OS3.5 version of WBInfo 3.0. We will start beta testing next
week, and we hope to release version 3 in two weeks at most. There will be a limited demo for
testing in Aminet as well as on our homepage. The registration fee will most probably be 7,67
I am just expanding the ICQ userlist (on my homepage) by the homepages of the listed users.
Sadly I do not know all homepages. So I ask all listed ICQ users (and those who want to be
listed): Have a look at if your homepage is listed, and use the submission form to have it
Bad news for all PC-Task users hoping for a PowerPC version. Chris Hames cancels further
development of PC-Task since he lost
interest in the project.
Epic Marketing website with new layout
The website of Epic Marketing displays in new glamour (not completely finished, yet), and
to celebrate, the news say that Simon 2 is definitely comming, despite preorders have not
yet reached the 500 mark.
Diavolo Update
Finally! We are able to ship the latest version of Diavolo Backup. Some words on the handling
of distribution. Diavolo Backup 2000 will only be available as Pro version (71,07 Euro), or
for the DraCo as Terra version (152,36 Euro).
If you have a DB Standard Version, the update is 25.56 Euro.
If you have a DB Pro version, the update is 12.78 Euro.
If you have a DraCo Terra version, the update is 12.78 Euro.
If you have a DB Pro version and need Terra, the update is 81.30 Euro (DraCo only).
The update is send out as lha file. The update and support can only be handled by e-mail for
now. The update has to be payed by credit card or Eurocheque. Other ways of payment are NOT
available. The first shipping will take place on Friday, February 4th, 2000.
To order your update bindingly:
e-mail to containing the following data:
Order: Full Name: Serial Nr. of your previous DB: I pay by credit card, card nr., date
of expiry: My e-mail address: I pay by cheque.
The Ticker v1.0
With "The Ticker", Amiga Central is offering a new
service. Instead of visiting a web-site explicitly, the special Ticker program automatically
displays the current headlines. To read the messages, all you have to do is clicking on the
The free program runs on Amigas with AmigaOS v3.x, 1 MB RAM, Internet connection and the Open
URL Library 2.x. It has been developed by Chris Page (The
World Foundry), the idea is from Chris Korhonen. Ports are planned for e.g. Linux, Windows
and BeOS.
Main reason for this is that Frank Mariaks CyberstormPPC failed in late
1999, and it took Phase5 two send-in/send-back cycles to realize that it is beyond repair. brings us a dedicated resource for OS 3.5 gameicons.
On this site a growing archive of cool OS 3.5 gameicons is waiting
to glitter and glamour on your Workbench!
BattleIsle DataDisk 3
Marco Frischkorn writes:
I am missing some maps for a new DataDisk. Mainly one-player maps. If somebody has some of those
on his hard drive, just send them. As basic map set I am using the graphics from BattleIsle 1.
If someone has maps for the DataDisk 1 (desert / winter), I would be happy about them, too,
even while there are only one third of the needed maps are present right now.
Please send maps to
When possible write some lines in addition to the map, like sollutions, backgrounds, about the
person, and that you aggree in distribution on an extra DataDisk. The maps are throughoutly tested
by myself and two friends. As soon as the DataDisk 3 is ready, everyone will recieve it automatically.
Loss of E-Mail Addresses
A small request to all who wrote me concerning BATTLE or A4EP in the last eight weeks:
Due to "human failure", the e-mail catalog has been lost completely. Please send another
short e-mail to
If possible, please describe in brief what it was about.
I wrote a BootSelector enabling to choose between AmigaOS and Linux APUS upon boot time.
I just uploaded the archive to Aminet, it is called SelectOS.lha.
DiskCopy v44.5 - fix
Andi from Future Visions writes:
On January 30th, 2000, the Amiga community was informed about the problems with the diskcopy v44.5
by At the title link, a link to our "Amiga Support Area" can be found, offering the
utility "TrackCopy64" for download. This program enables access to tracks beyond the 4GB barrier.
The support site alos lists an explanation of the diskcopy v44.5 problems. I ask for feedback by
voluntary beta testers about problems occuring with TrackCopy64. Suggestions, questions and beta
test reports please to
Bad news on LightForce by StrangeWorlds: On this weekend, the A4000 of
Andreas Hippauf suffered a complete failure of the development partition.
The development environments for LightForce, and the e-mail client YAM had
to be reinstalled completely. Thanks to frequent backups, the sources were
But the emails of (the) last month(s?) have been lost. If
somebody has ordered the latest demo version and did not yet recieve it,
please contact Andreas Hippauf
again. Reminder: Due to the very low response to the e-mail feedback it has
been decided to send out new demo versions only to interested users on
request. The latest demo, by the way, already shows the usage of textures
and extras, so it is well worth a look.
Forum online again
It has been done, our forum is online again after moving to the new server.
Happy discussing! :-)
This page is part of the website.
Usage on other Internet sites, e.g. in frames, is only allowed with written permission.
All rights reserved. Any copying or unauthorized mirroring on any media, in parts or in whole,
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correctness of news contents. Trademarks and product names used are trademarks, registered
trademarks or product names of their respective owners.
The sole responsibility for the contents associated with links shown is in the hands of the
respective authors, and we do not necessarily endorse any ideas, opinions, and/or products
provided there.